#life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to #dance in The rain … #ballo #love #amore #me #passoadue #passione #ballerina #amici15 #ballerini by giadalini1989

#life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, Its about learning to #dance in The rain ... #ballo #love #amore #me #passoadue #passione #ballerina #amici15 #ballerini by giadalini1989

giadalini1989 ha postato su Instagram questa foto, l’ha taggata #amici15 e ha commentato “#life is not about waiting for the storm to pass,
It’s about learning to #dance in The rain …
#ballo #love #amore #me #passoadue #passione #ballerina #ballerini”.
